question 1. Q:What is the capital of Somalia - {Mogadishu Somalia}{Mogadishu} - LOCATION_CITY question 2. Q:Who is the head of the United Nations - {Ban Ki-moon} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 3. Q:Who is the Japanese Prime Minister - {Kan Naoto}{Naoto Kan} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 4. Q:What is another name for the "mad cow disease" - {bovine spongiform encephalopathy}{BSE}{Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)}{bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE} - ENTITY_MEDICINE question 5. Q:Who is the president of South Korea - {Lee Myung-bak}{Lee}{Lee Myung Bak}{Myung-bak Lee} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 6. Q:When did the test pilot Chuck Yeager break the sound barrier - {October 14, 1947}{1947}{Oct. 14, 1947} - NUMERIC_DATE question 7. Q:What do the "chasing arrows" symbolize - {recycling}{recyclable}{recycle}{recycled} - DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION question 8. Q:How many Chechens did Stalin deport - {800,000}{over 500000 people}{about a million}{half million} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 9. Q:How many storeys high are the twin towers - {110}{more than a hundred}{approximately 100} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 10. Q:When did Genghis Khan live - {from around 1167 to 1227}{1167-1227}{1167 to 1227}{1165-1227}{Born sometime between 1162 and 1167} - NUMERIC_DATE question 11. Q:Who is John J. Famalaro accused of having killed - {Denise A. Huber}{Denise Anette Huber}{Denise Huber} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 12. Q:Who is the leader of the Algerian Armed Islamic Group - {Mourad Si Ahmed} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 13. Q:Where does the singer Julie Kelly teach - {Musicians' Institute in Hollywood}{Hollywood} - LOCATION_OTHER question 14. Q:In what city do the lawyers Cochran and Shapiro work - {Los Angeles} - LOCATION_CITY question 15. Q:Who said "Let Yeltsin have his vodka and Chechnya have its freedom" - {Dzhibrail Yahutov} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 16. Q:What was the trading volume of the New York Stock Exchange shares in 1994 - {73.42 billion} - NUMERIC_MONEY question 17. Q:Which fast-food chain cut the price of the Big Mac hamburger - {McDonald's Corp.}{McDonald's}{McDonalds} - HUMAN_GROUP question 18. Q:Where is the organization Operation Unity based - {Los Angeles} - LOCATION_OTHER question 19. Q:What does "kain ayinhore" mean - {not one evil eye} - DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION question 20. Q:What is the Chicken Boy sculpture made of - {fiberglass} - ENTITY_SUBSTANCE question 21. Q:What prize was Elizabeth Neufeld awarded - {National Medal of Science} - ENTITY_OTHER question 22. Q:What is the name of the plumed serpent worshipped as a god by the Aztecs - {Quetzalcoatl} - ENTITY_ANIMAL question 23. Q:What does magma consist of - {molten rock}{molten or partially molten rock}{Hot, molten or semi-molten rock located under ground}{a liquid portion (often referred to as the melt)}{three components: A liquid portion, called melt , that is composed of mobile ions; Solids, if any, are silicate minerals ...}{mostly of liquid rock matter, but may contain crystals of various minerals}{can be derived from partial melts of pre-existing rocks}{remelted material from Earth's crust}{predominantly 8 elements (Si, O, Al, Mg, Na, K, Ca, Fe)}{oxygen, silicon, aluminum, magnesium, ... }{liquid and gas bubbles} - ENTITY_SUBSTANCE question 24. Q:On average, how many murders are committed every weekend in L.A. County - {16}{sixteen} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 25. Q:How many carjackings took place in Los Angeles in 1991 - {4,404} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 26. Q:How many Oscars were awarded to the film "On the Waterfront" - {eight}{8} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 27. Q:Where is the artificial ecosystem known as "Biosphere 2" located - {outside Tucson}{20 miles north of Tucson}{between Phoenix and. Tucson, Arizona}{in Tucson, Arizona}{near Tucson}{Tucson, Arizona} - LOCATION_OTHER question 28. Q:Who is the Trade Minister in China - {Chen Deming}{Chen} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 29. Q:When did Hernando Cortes arrive in the Aztec Empire - {1519}{in March 1519}{spring, 1519} - NUMERIC_DATE question 30. Q:When did the journalist Charlotta Bass live - {1875 -- 1969}{1875-1969}{from 1875 to 1969}{1874-1969}{1880?-1969} - NUMERIC_DATE question 31. Q:What association does Hope Holcomb lead - {Oxnard Democratic Club Hope Holcomb} - HUMAN_GROUP question 32. Q:What company recalled a lot of cars to fix mechanical problems - {Toyota} - HUMAN_GROUP question 33. Q:Which Indian state has the highest number of inhabitants - {Uttar Pradesh}{UP}{Uttar Pradesh (UP)} - LOCATION_STATE question 34. Q:In what year did Ross Perot run for president - {1992} - NUMERIC_DATE question 35. Q:Of which political party is Rudolf Scharping a member - {SPD}{Social Democratic Party}{Social Democratic Party (SPD)} - HUMAN_GROUP question 36. Q:Which organization does Vanessa Redgrave support - {Palestine Liberation Organization}{PLO}{Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)} - HUMAN_GROUP question 37. Q:When was the late Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos overthrown - {1986}{in February 1986} - NUMERIC_DATE question 38. Q:By what other name is the Islamic Resistance Movement also known - {Hamas} - ENTITY_TERM question 39. Q:How many megabytes are there in a gigabyte - {1,000}{1.024}{1000}{1024} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 41. Q:What position does Lothar Matthaeus play - {sweeper} - LOCATION_OTHER question 42. Q:Who painted the "Scream" - {Edvard Munch}{Munch, Edvard}{Edvard Much}{Munch} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 43. Q:Where did Ayrton Senna have the accident that caused his death - {Imola, Italy}{Imola}{Italy}{San Marino}{San Marino Grand Prix} - LOCATION_OTHER question 44. Q:When did Innsbruck host the Winter Olympics - {1964 and 1976}{in 1964 and 1976} - NUMERIC_DATE question 45. Q:What does the abbreviation GIA stand for - {The Gemological Institute of America}{Gemological Institute of America} - ABBREVIATION_EXPANSION question 46. Q:In what year did Crimea become part of the Ukraine - {1954} - NUMERIC_DATE question 47. Q:What is the nickname of the Mafia boss Lorenzo Tinnirello - {Madonna} - ENTITY_TERM question 48. Q:How many Cubans are allowed to immigrate to the United States each year - {27,845}{20,000}{20000}{at least twenty thousand immigrants} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 49. Q:Where is Hebron located - {20 miles south of Jerusalem}{south of Jerusalem}{about twenty miles south of Jerusalem} - LOCATION_OTHER question 50. Q:What flower was named after the first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton - {magenta-and-white tulip} - ENTITY_PLANT question 51. Q:How many inhabitants does Vietnam have - {70 million}{84 238 000}{88,576,758}{85,846,997}{over 80 million}{about 800000}{86.5 million}{85 million}{approximately 88000}{around 80 million} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 52. Q:Who founded the Nation of Islam - {Wallace Fard Muhammad}{Wallace D. Fard Muhammad}{W.F. Muhammad}{Master Fard Muhammad}{Fard Mohammed} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 53. Q:What party is known as the PKK - {Kurdistan Workers' Party}{The Kurdistan Workers' Party}{Kurdistan Workers Party}{The Kurdistan Workers Party}{Kurdish Worker's Party}{The Kurdish Workers Party}{Kurdish Workers Party}{The Kurdish Workers' Party}{Kurdistan Worker's Party}{PKK} - HUMAN_GROUP question 54. Q:What is the real name of "Dr. Death" - {Steve Williams}{Steve "Dr. Death" Williams}{Steven Williams}{Steve}{Williams}{Dr. Death Steve Williams}{Aribert Heim}{Dr. Aribert Heim}{Aribert Ferdinand Heim}{Dr. Heim}{Heim}{Dr Heim}{Dr. Josef Mengele}{Josef Mengele}{Mengele}{Dr. Jack Kevorkian}{Jack Kevorkian}{Dr. Kevorkian}{Kevorkian}{Nitschke}{Jayant Patel} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 55. Q:When was the Berlin Wall built - {1961}{on the night between 12th and 13th August 1961}{Sunday, Aug. 13, 1961}{on 13 August 1961}{on August 15, 1961}{on August 16, 1961}{in the night of August 13, 1961}{August 13, 1961}{on August 13 1961}{in August 1961} - NUMERIC_DATE question 56. Q:How old was Burt Lancaster when he died - {80}{eighty} - NUMERIC_PERIOD question 57. Q:What is the capital of Alaska - {Juneau}{Juneau Alaska} - LOCATION_CITY question 58. Q:When did the Bay of Pigs invasion take place - {April, 1961}{1961}{April 17, 1961}{17 April 1961}{in April of 1961}{in 1961}{April 17�19, 1961}{Apr-1961}{19 April 1961} - NUMERIC_DATE question 59. Q:What is the capital of Chechnya - {Grozny}{Groznyy}{Chechnya Grozny} - LOCATION_CITY question 60. Q:Which country is the biggest crude oil exporter in the world - {Saudi Arabia}{Saudi} - LOCATION_COUNTRY question 61. Q:How old was Howard Caine when he died - {67} - NUMERIC_PERIOD question 62. Q:How many shells did the Serbs fire on Sarajevo on Christmas Day - {689}{approximately 1000 per day} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 63. Q:Who is the coach of Indiana - {Bill Mallory}{Bill Lynch} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 64. Q:Who won a wrestling state title in 1990 - {Richard Sanchez}{Sanchez} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 65. Q:What year saw the collapse of the Soviet Union - {1991} - NUMERIC_DATE question 66. Q:How many former slaves settled in Liberia in the 19th century - {About 16,400}{thousands} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 67. Q:Who won the Breeders' Cup in 1993 - {Phone Chatter}{Jerry Bailey}{Bailey} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 68. Q:Who was elected governor of California - {Arnold Schwarzenegger}{Schwarzenegger}{Arnold} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 69. Q:Who is the manager of human resources for the Yamaha Motor Corporation - {Tanu Joshi} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 70. Q:Name one poem composed by Mussorgsky - {St. John's Night on the Bare Mountain.}{Night on Bald Mountain}{Pictures at an Exhibition}{Pictures at an ... }{Night on Bald}{Intermezzo in modo classico}{A Night on Bald Mountain}{Night on Bald Mountain}{Bez solntsa}{Without Sun}{Sunless}{Night on Bald}{Night on the Bald}{Ivanova noch na Lysoy gore}{St. John's Night on the Bare Mountain (Ivanova noch' na Lisoy gore)}{Ivanova noch' na Lisoy gore}{na Lisoy gore}{Boris Godunov}{The Nursery}{Songs and Dances of Death}{Russia} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 71. Q:How many condoms were sold in Japan in 1991? - {547 million} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 72. Q:Which school did Max Bill attend - {Bauhaus school} - HUMAN_GROUP question 73. Q:How many Japanese students were there in the United States in 1990 - {nearly 58,000} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 74. Q:What party did Occhetto lead? - {PCI}{Italian Communist Party} - HUMAN_GROUP question 75. Q:When did the Pike close - {1979} - NUMERIC_DATE question 76. Q:When did Gunnar Myrdal write "The American Dilemma" - {1944} - NUMERIC_DATE question 77. Q:When was the Declaration of Independence signed - {1776}{in 1776}{July 4}{on July 4}{on July 4th}{August 2nd}{August 2, 1776}{July 4 1776}{July 4, 1776} - NUMERIC_DATE question 78. Q:Where was the original plan for Mulberry stipulated - {at the Quadrant conference in Quebec}{Quebec} - LOCATION_OTHER question 79. Q:Who won the Oscar for "Beauty and the Beast" - {Howard Ashman}{Howard} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 80. Q:Name one team in which Tim Crews played - {Dodgers}{the Los Angeles Dodgers}{Los Angeles Dodgers} - HUMAN_GROUP question 81. Q:Which Elvis Presley's cover did Gilmore sing - {I Was the One} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 82. Q:Where were the Strike Eagles military aircraft used in 1990 - {Persian Gulf}{in the Persian Gulf}{Gulf War} - LOCATION_OTHER question 83. Q:Who was the third U.S. President - {Thomas Jefferson}{Jefferson}{Tom Jefferson} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 84. Q:How did Vitas Gerulaitis die - {carbon monoxide poisoning}{poisoning}{accidental carbon monoxide poisoning} - DESCRIPTION_MANNER question 85. Q:What was the first name of Gottfried Reinhardt's father - {Max} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 86. Q:When did Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo die - {May 1993}{1993}{in 1993}{in May 1993} - NUMERIC_DATE question 87. Q:Who founded the FHP health care services - {Robert Gumbiner}{Gumbiner} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 88. Q:How many consecutive games did Penn State win - {12}{11} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 90. Q:How many people in U.S. do not have health insurance - {37 million}{46.6 million in 2005}{Some 47 million}{47 million}{40 million}{46.3 million} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 91. Q:Name a Chinese Communist politician - {Li Fengzhi}{Zheng}{Zhou Enlai}{Zhou}{Chen Duxiu}{Li Dazhao}{Mao}{Mao Tse-Tung}{Mao Zedong}{Deng Xiaoping}{Jiang Qing}{Mao Tse Tung}{Xi Zhongxun}{Qiao Shi}{Xi Jinping}{Sun Yat-Sen}{John Chiang}{Jiang Xiaoyan}{Hu Jintao}{Jintao}{Teng Hsiao-peng}{Chen Yi}{Chen I}{Zhao Ziyang} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 92. Q:When was the Gulf War fought - {1991}{in 1991}{from Jan 15 to February 28, 1991}{January 17, 1991-February 26, 1991}{during January and February 1991} - NUMERIC_DATE question 93. Q:How long did Mark Kauffman work for the Life magazine - {30 years} - NUMERIC_PERIOD question 94. Q:Who played the title role in the movie "Ben-Hur" - {Charlton Heston}{Heston}{Mr. Heston}{Charles Heston} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 95. Q:What network first broadcast Steven Spielberg's miniseries "Holocaust" - {NBC} - HUMAN_GROUP question 96. Q:Where was the 1991 Copa America played - {Chile}{in Chile} - LOCATION_OTHER question 97. Q:What is the title of the third album of the Offspring - {Smash} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 98. Q:Of which company is J. Patrick Rooney chairman - {Golden Rule Insurance Co.}{Golden Rule}{Golden Rule Insurance Company}{Golden Rule Insurance} - HUMAN_GROUP question 99. Q:When was the National Fire Arms Act approved - {1934}{in 1934}{June 26, 1934} - NUMERIC_DATE question 100. Q:What firm is the constructor of the PAS-2 satellite - {Hughes Aircraft Co.}{Hughes Aircraft} - HUMAN_GROUP question 101. Q:What country is the third major rice exporter in the world - {Pakistan} - LOCATION_COUNTRY question 102. Q:To whom is Shostakovich's String Quartet No. 8 dedicated - {to "the memory of the victims of fascism and war}{to the victims of fascism and war}{to the victims of fascism and war}{to the "Memory of the Victims of Fascism...} - HUMAN_GROUP question 103. Q:What party was lead by Giovanni Spadolini - {Republican Party}{Republicans}{Italian Republican Party (PRI}}{PRI}{Italian Republican Party}{the Republican Party}{the Italian Republican Party} - HUMAN_GROUP question 104. Q:Where did the Purussaurus live before becoming extinct - {South America's Amazon Basin}{South America}{in South America}{South American Amazon} - LOCATION_OTHER question 105. Q:When did Armenia become independent - {1991}{September 21, 1991}{in 1991} - NUMERIC_DATE question 106. Q:Where was the World Population Conference held - {Romania}{Bucharest}{Bucharest, Romania} - LOCATION_OTHER question 107. Q:What was the first film directed by John Milius - {Dillinger} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 108. Q:What does NEO stand for - {Near-Earth Objects} - ABBREVIATION_EXPANSION question 109. Q:What company produces cigarettes using the so-called Y-1 - {Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.}{Brown & Williamson}{Brown and Williamson} - HUMAN_GROUP question 111. Q:For which company does Marty McKewon work - {WeatherData Inc.} - HUMAN_GROUP question 112. Q:How many Puerto Ricans live in Los Angeles County - {more than 40,000}{about 32000} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 113. Q:When was Afghanistan invaded by the Soviet Union - {December 24, 1979}{24 Dec 1979}{1979}{in 1979}{December 1979}{in December 1979}{on Dec. 24, 1979}{Dec. 24, 1979}{on 24-25 December 1979} - NUMERIC_DATE question 114. Q:When was Elvis Presley's first record recorded - {1954}{July 5, 1954}{in July of 1954}{on July 5 , 1954} - NUMERIC_DATE question 115. Q:Name a German philosopher - {Karl Wilhelm}{Friedrich Nietzsche}{Nietzsche}{Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche}{Arthur Schopenhauer}{Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund}{Theodor Adorno}{Immanuel Kant}{George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel}{Georg Wilhelm Friedrich}{Josef Pieper}{Paul Tillich}{Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz}{Hroswitha of Gandersheim}{Karl Marx}{Peter Wust}{Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas}{Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche}{Ernst Tugendhat}{Friedrich von Schiller}{Kant}{Hegel}{Marx}{Hesse}{Heidegger}{Schopenhauer}{KARL WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT}{Peter Sloterdijk}{Adorno}{Leibniz}{Georg Hegel}{Martin Heidegger}{Ernst Bloch}{Thomas Metzinger}{Hans Blumenberg}{Gottlob Frege}{Rudolf Christoph Eucken}{J�rgen Habermas}{Albert Schweitzer}{Lessing, Gotthold} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 116. Q:How many islands make up Indonesia - {approximately 18000}{more than 13,500}{17508}{more than 18000}{approx. 17508}{over 13000}{17000}{more than 17000}{more than 17,000}{17,508} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 117. Q:When did Alaska become a state - {January 3, 1959}{3rd January 1959}{1959}{in 1959}{on January 3, 1959}{Jan. 3, 1959}{on Jan. 3, 1959}{3rd January 1959}{on 3rd January, 1959}{On January 3rd, 1959} - NUMERIC_DATE question 118. Q:Where was Greenpeace established - {Vancouver}{Canada}{Vancouver, Canada}{in Vancouver}{in Vancouver, Canada}{in Canada} - LOCATION_OTHER question 119. Q:Where are the Pribilof Islands - {Bering Sea}{in the Bering Sea}{about 482 km (300 miles) west of the Alaska}{off the coast of Alaska}{off the west coast of Alaska}{outside continental Alaska}{off southwest Alaska in the Bering Sea}{in the Bering Sea, 300 miles from Alaska's mainland and 200 miles north of Dutch Harbor.} - LOCATION_OTHER question 120. Q:Where is the famous La Scala opera house - {Milan, Italy}{Milan}{Italy}{in Milan}{Milan, Italy}{in Italy} - LOCATION_OTHER question 121. Q:When did Shapour Bakhtiar die - {1991}{7 August 1991}{in 1991}{in August 1991} - NUMERIC_DATE question 122. Q:In which month did the U.N. fuel embargo of Haiti start - {October} - NUMERIC_DATE question 124. Q:How many people died in the 1972 plane crash in the Everglades? - {101}{more than 100} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 125. Q:What is the highest fine that can be levied on a conspirator - {$250,000} - NUMERIC_MONEY question 127. Q:At what rate did the economy grow in 1993 in the United States - {3%}{3.2 percent} - NUMERIC_PERCENT question 128. Q:When was the film "WarGames" shot - {1983}{in 1983} - NUMERIC_DATE question 129. Q:Where was the first race of the Cross Country Ski World Championship held - {Kiruna}{Kiruna, Sweden}{Sweden} - LOCATION_OTHER question 130. Q:How many American prisoners were freed by North Vietnam in 1973 - {591} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 131. Q:Who is the Prime Minister of Ireland - {Brian Cowen}{Cowen}{Mr Brian Cowen} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 132. Q:Who is the author of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" - {Richard David Bach}{Richard Bach}{Bach}{BACH, Richard} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 133. Q:When was Kellie O'Sullivan kidnapped - {Sept. 14, 1993}{1993}{September}{September 14, 1993} - NUMERIC_DATE question 134. Q:What disease affects Rebecca Maxwell - {multiple sclerosis} - ENTITY_MEDICINE question 135. Q:How much did a county Transportation Commission in California pay to buy telephones for disabled persons - {about $70,000} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 136. Q:Where was Guillermo Ortiz born - {Mexico City}{in Mexico City}{Mexico} - LOCATION_OTHER question 137. Q:Who is the finance minister in the Mexican government - {Agustin Carstens}{Augustin Carstens}{Agust�n Carstens} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 138. Q:In which city was Jorge Machado born - {Rio de Janeiro Brazil}{Rio de Janeiro} - LOCATION_CITY question 139. Q:What is the title of the first volume of Elvis Presley's biography - {Last Train to Memphis}{Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley}{�Last Train to Memphis: The Rise}{Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 140. Q:Who wrote "Gulag Archipelago" - {Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn}{Alexander Solzhenitsyn}{Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn}{Solzhenitsyn}{Solzhnenitsyn} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 141. Q:In how many countries does Greenpeace have offices - {over 40}{in some 40}{40}{over thirty}{42}{41}{48}{more than 30} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 142. Q:Which network obtained a contract with the National Football League - {Fox}{NFLN}{CBS}{NBC}{ESPN}{NFL Network}{}{} - HUMAN_GROUP question 144. Q:By what abbreviation is the U.N. Children's Fund known - {UNICEF} - ABBREVIATION_ABBREVIATION question 145. Q:What is the title of the first movie in which McKee played - {Sparkle} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 147. Q:What is the name of Bill Clinton's wife - {Hillary Clinton}{Hillary}{Hillary Rodham}{Hillary Rodham Clinton} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 148. Q:Where does Richard Zwetchkenbaum work - {Framingham}{in Framingham} - LOCATION_OTHER question 149. Q:Who is Washington's football coach - {Steve Sarkisian} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 150. Q:How long is the coastline of Santa Monica Bay - {50 miles}{some 40 miles} - NUMERIC_DISTANCE question 151. Q:When was Lothar Matthaeus born - {Tuesday, March 21, 1961}{March 21, 1961}{on March 21st 1961}{March 21st 1961}{1961}{in 1961}{21 March 1961}{21 March 1961}{in March of 1961}{21-Mar-1961}{21st March 1961}{on 21st March 1961} - NUMERIC_DATE question 152. Q:How old was Pearl Primus when she died - {74} - NUMERIC_PERIOD question 153. Q:How many Texans fought for independence at the Alamo - {fewer than 200}{less than 200} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 154. Q:How many classrooms were built before 1976 in the Wilsona School District - {six} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 155. Q:When was the Bombay Symphony Orchestra established - {1935}{in 1935} - NUMERIC_DATE question 156. Q:Name a song by Nirvana - {Smells Like Teen Spirit}{About a Girl}{School Bleach}{Love Buzz}{Polly}{Polly}{Lithium}{Come As You Are}{All Apologies}{Aero Zeppelin}{Territorial Pissings}{heart shaped box}{Scoff}{Breed}{Smells Like }{Smells Like Teen Spirit}{Smells Like Teen Spirit}{Rape Me}{About a Girl}{In Bloom}{Immigrant Song,} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 157. Q:Name an overture by Berlioz - {Carnaval Romain}{Carnaval Romain}{Le Carnaval Romain}{Roman Carnival}{Roman Carnival Overture}{Benvenuto Cellini}{Benvenuto Cellini}{King Lear}{Le Carnaval romain}{Symphonie fantastique}{Overture to B�atrice}{Le Corsaire}{Le Corsaire Overture}{Simfonia Fant�stica}{Rob Roy}{King Lear}{Roman Carnival}{B�atrice et B�n�dict}{Overture to I Capuletti e I Montecchi}{Les Francs Juges}{The Roman Carnival}{Carnival Romain Overture}{The Overture to Les Francs-juges}{The Judges of the Secret Court}{The Overture to Les Francs-juges (The Judges of the Secret Court)}{King Lear Overture}{Les Nuits d'Ete}{Harold In Italy}{Les Nuits d'Ete, Opus 7}{Harold In Italy, Opus 16}{Le Corsaire Overture (C clarinets 1, 2 parts)} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 158. Q:In which year was Avery Clayton hired to paint murals for the Summer Olympics - {1984} - NUMERIC_DATE question 159. Q:Where does Raymond Pettibon work - {Los Angeles}{LA} - LOCATION_OTHER question 161. Q:Who is the president of the U.S. Soccer Federation - {Mr. Sunil Gulati}{Sunil Gulati}{Sunil Galati}{Dr. Sunil}{Sunil K. Gulati} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 162. Q:For which film did Robert Bresson win the Grand Prix at Cannes - {L'Argent} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 163. Q:Where is Edwin Tang from - {New York City}{New York}{NY} - LOCATION_OTHER question 164. Q:Where did Irving Mitchell Felt die - {at his Los Angeles home}{Los Angeles} - LOCATION_OTHER question 165. Q:Which party did Noriega belong to - {Democratic Revolutionary Party}{The Democratic Revolutionary Party}{The Democratic Party}{Democratic Party}{Revolutionary Democratic Party}{Partido Revolucionario}{the Revolutionary Democratic Party} - HUMAN_GROUP question 168. Q:When was the Tax Reform Act enacted - {October 22, 1986}{1986}{Oct. 22, 1986}{on Oct. 22, 1986}{22 October 1986} - NUMERIC_DATE question 169. Q:For which company does Tom Kalinske work - {Moonshoot} - HUMAN_GROUP question 170. Q:Where does Nnenna Freelon live - {Durham, N.C.}{Durham} - LOCATION_OTHER question 171. Q:With what radioactive substance was Eda Charlton injected in 1945 - {plutonium} - ENTITY_SUBSTANCE question 172. Q:What is the name of Maggie Dixon's brother - {Jamie Dixon}{Jamie} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 173. Q:Who is the head of the U.S. Embassy in Switzerland - {Donald S. Beyer Jr.}{Don Beyer} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 174. Q:What does the acronym "PERS" stand for - {Public Employees Retirement System}{Public Employees' Retirement System} - ABBREVIATION_EXPANSION question 175. Q:Who is the Italian Prime Minister - {Silvio Berlusconi}{Berlusconi}{Silvio}{Berlucsoni} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 176. Q:Name a Christian radio network - {Christian Broadcasting Network}{CSN}{K-LOVE}{Bott Radio Network}{Air 1 Radio}{}{CMRadio.Net}{KHCB RADIO NETWORK}{KHCB}{Houston Christian Broadcasters, Inc.}{KKLA-FM}{CDR Radio network}{CDR}{The PATH}{}{CBN}{KCVO-FM}{Praise Broadcasting Network}{SOS Radio}{WAY-FM}{Effect Radio}{The Sound of Life Radio Network}{Family Radio Worldwide }{Worship Radio Network}{Salem Communications}{Light Radio Network}{TBN - Trinity Broadcasting Network}{TBN}{Trinity Broadcasting Network}{GoMix Christian Radio}{Way Radio Network}{KTLW}{WOTW}{FBN}{He's Alive Radio Network}{His Radio}{The JOY FM}{Christian Financial Radio Network}{Word FM Radio Network}{Word FM}{Immanuel Broadcasting Network}{Positive Radio Netork}{Rejoice Broadcast Network}{The Air-1 Radio Network}{Air-1 Radio Network}{Sky Angel}{Positive Alternative Radio, Inc}{WTRU}{Radio Worship Network}{Today's Christian Music} - HUMAN_GROUP question 178. Q:When did the Raiders leave Oakland - {1982} - NUMERIC_DATE question 179. Q:What was the previous name of Ho Chi Minh City - {Saigon} - LOCATION_CITY question 181. Q:Who is the leader of the Japanese religious group Aum Shinrikyo - {Shoko Asahara}{Asahara}{Asahara Shoko}{Shoko}{Asahara Shokoas} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 182. Q:What is Albania's former secret service called - {Sigurimi} - HUMAN_GROUP question 183. Q:Who invented the radio - {Guglielmo Marconi}{Marconi}{Guillermo Marconi} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 184. Q:Where is Requena located - {60 km. W Valencia}{near Valencia}{65 kms west from Valencia}{about 65 km from the city of Valencia}{in the Valencia region}{within the Comunidad Valenciana province of Spain}{in the province of Valencia}{Valencia, Spain}{in the westernmost part of the Valencia province}{in Valencia region}{Spain} - LOCATION_OTHER question 185. Q:Who founded the Chippendale striptease club - {Steve Banerjee}{Somen 'Steve' Banerjee}{Banerjee} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 186. Q:In what city was Emil Fischer born - {Euskirchen}{in Euskirchen}{in Euskirchen, near Cologne}{in Euskirchen near Bonn} - LOCATION_CITY question 187. Q:What is the longest river in Norway - {River Glomma}{the Glomma}{Glomma}{the Glomma River}{the river Glomma} - LOCATION_OTHER question 188. Q:What is the highest mountain in Germany - {Zugspitze}{die Zugspitze}{the Zugspitze}{Zugspitzes}{Zugspitz} - LOCATION_MOUNTAIN question 189. Q:What is the Argentinian name for the Falklands - {Malvinas}{Islas Malvinas}{Las Malvinas}{Islas Malvinas}{Las Malvinas}{the Malvinas Islands} - ENTITY_TERM question 190. Q:How many prisoners were taken in the 1813 capture of Fort Niagara - {344}{several hundred}{about three hundred and forty} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 191. Q:The sarin gas attack took place in which subway station in Tokyo - {Kodenmacho} - LOCATION_OTHER question 192. Q:In which country are the buzkashi contests held - {Afghanistan}{in Afghanistan} - LOCATION_COUNTRY question 193. Q:What is the capital of Madagascar - {Antananarivo}{Tana} - LOCATION_CITY question 194. Q:What is Snoop Doggy Dogg's other name - {Calvin Broadus}{Cordozar Calvin Broadus}{Broadus} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 195. Q:Who is Miguel Indurain married to - {Marisa Lopez de Goicoechea}{Marisa} - HUMAN_INDIVIDUAL question 196. Q:In which country is Mount Kilimanjaro located - {Tanzania}{in Tanzania} - LOCATION_COUNTRY question 197. Q:How long is the Okavango River - {1600 kilometres}{1600 km}{1600km}{1000 miles}{1 600 km}{over 1000 miles}{1,609 km} - NUMERIC_DISTANCE question 198. Q:Name a poem by Eugenio Montale - {Xenia}{Haunting Absence, Intense Presence}{Maybe One Morning}{La bufera e altro ("The Storm and Other Things")}{La bufera e altro}{The Storm and Other Things}{Cuttlefish Bones}{La Bufera}{Poems of Love : The Motets of Eugenio Montale} - ENTITY_CREATIVE question 199. Q:Where was the director Michelangelo Antonioni born - {Ferrara}{Ferrara, Italy}{in Ferrara}{in Ferrara, Italy}{in the northern Italian city of Ferrara}{Italy}{in northern Italy}{Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy} - LOCATION_OTHER question 200. Q:How many inhabitants does Kanazawa have - {455,351}{about 450 000}{almost 500000}{fewer than half-a-million}{450'000}{a half million}{around 450000}{more than 300000}{just barely half a million} - NUMERIC_COUNT question 1000. Q:Who is Terrence Malick ? - {Terrence Malick (born 30 November 1943) is an American filmmaker, screenwriter, and producer. In a career spanning decades, Malick has directed one short film and four feature-length films. Numerous critics consider Malick's films to } - HUMAN_DESCRIPTION question 1001. Q:Who is Stein Eriksen ? - {Stein Eriksen (born 11 December 1927) is a former alpine ski racer and Olympic gold medalist. He was born in Oslo, Norway.} - HUMAN_DESCRIPTION question 1002. Q:Who is the `` Queen Mother '' ? - {Queen Mother is a title or position reserved for a widowed queen consort (a queen dowager) whose son or daughter from that marriage is the reigning monarch. The term has been used in England since at least 1577. The title arises in hereditary monarchies.} - HUMAN_DESCRIPTION question 1003. Q:Who is Coronado ? - {Francisco Vásquez de Coronado y Luján (1510 – 22 September 1554) was a Spanish conquistador, who visited New Mexico and other parts of what are now the southwestern United States between 1540 and 1542. Coronado had hoped to conquer the mythical Seven Cities of Gold.} - HUMAN_DESCRIPTION question 1004. Q:Who is Desmond Tutu ? - {Desmond Mpilo Tutu (born 7 October 1931) is a South African cleric and activist who rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. In 1984, Tutu became the second South African to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. } - HUMAN_DESCRIPTION question 1005. Q:Who is Barbara Jordan ? - {Barbara Charline Jordan (February 21, 1936 – January 17, 1996) was an American politician from Texas. She served as a congresswoman in the United States House of Representatives } - HUMAN_DESCRIPTION question 1006. Q:What are liver enzymes ? - {} - DESCRIPTION_DEFINITION question 1007. Q:What is `` Nine Inch Nails '' ? - {Nine Inch Nails is an American industrial rock project, founded in 1988 by Trent Reznor in Cleveland, Ohio. As its main producer, singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist, Reznor is the only official member of Nine Inch Nails} - DESCRIPTION_DEFINITION question 1008. Q:What is an annotated bibliography ? - {An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that gives a summary of the research that has been done. It is still an alphabetical list of research sources. In addition to bibliographic data, an annotated bibliography provides a brief summary or annotation.} - DESCRIPTION_DEFINITION question 1009. Q:What is ethology ? - {Ethology is the scientific study of animal behavior, and a sub-topic of zoology. Although many naturalists have studied aspects of animal behavior throughout history, the modern discipline of ethology is generally considered to have begun during the 1930s with the work of Dutch } - DESCRIPTION_DEFINITION question 1010. Q:What is the nature of learning ? - {} - DESCRIPTION_DEFINITION question 1011. Q:What is the Kashmir issue ? - {The Kashmir conflict refers to the territorial dispute over Kashmir, the northwesternmost region of South Asia. The parties to the dispute are India, Pakistan, China and the people of Kashmir.} - DESCRIPTION_DEFINITION